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Why Should You Embrace the Power of Being Alone?

Solitude is one of the most powerful tools on the road to success. And it is free!

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I used to think the worst thing in life was ending up alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone! — Robin Williams

As I was reading an article by Tim Denning, “Successful people disappear for months at a time like it’s normal. You should, Too!” I was hit by the truth of those words.

I have experienced Solitude for many years and have never stopped to think about its actual benefits until now.

For the past two years, I have lived on a boat all summer long, and nothing can beat the quietness of early morning by the water.

Outside, close to nature, with the sun rising, a good coffee, reading and writing about my life, reviewing my goals, and having some real thoughtful moments alone. There is nothing more stimulating than this.

Before we bought our boat, I used to do that in my backyard garden. Some will find their peace in the mountains and forests. There are no better places to enjoy Solitude than nature.

Some days, it is more challenging than others to get in the mood to enjoy Solitude—too much pollution in my brain.

It takes me a bit more time to get in the mood, but it is exactly the same as writing. Sometimes, you just need to stay put, relax, and calm down the noise in your head to reach clarity and enjoy the peace of the moment of Solitude.

Solitude also helps us find answers about some challenging times in our lives.

When alone, with nothing else than your thoughts, you can find great ideas about what is now challenging you.

Solitude is great for creation. Why do you think painters and writers are always alone? We create our best pieces when we silence the noise around us.

I know some exceptions; some people are more creative in noisy environments. But, it is rare.

Solitude helps us reflect and think about what matters the most in our lives. It forces us to slow down and take a step back to reach more clarity about essential questions we have to answer.

Solitude is part of my daily routine. I need to have those quiet moments every day with myself. If not in the morning, I will find a time in the evening, before bedtime. It helps me to stay disciplined and focused on my goals.

In the end, Solitude is a necessary process we should all try to enjoy more as it is a passage to reach a fulfilled life!

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